We are two days into this fundraiser and have already netted just shy of $2k in profit for Troop 138. The credit goes to Nolan who has double the sales of the #2 position being held by Luciano. Awesome job, Nolan & Luciano, and the messages you are receiving from your supporters about your Scouting efforts are just beautiful.
Fundraising efforts are most often an essential aspect of a troop's operations. Beyond dues, troops need additional funds for a host of necessities—everything from camping gear to repairs on a troop vehicle. - Scouting.org
Let's make the best of the next two days. If you haven't set up your own store please do so ASAP. OR, please buy popcorn from one of your fellow scouts.
Every sale counts! Remember, 50% goes back to Troop 138. Our goal is to break $3K in profit, and we are 2/3rds of the way there. Yippee!
If you have a store set up please make sure you leverage your own social media and text groups to spread the word.
Inch by Inch, this will be a cinch - Mardi Ballou