The month of February was a busy time for our troop. The Scouts participated in the Lenape Trail Klondike Derby, participated in the Scout Sunday Mass at OLV, a great winter hike in Harriman State Park, and a Court of Honor.
Our Klondike team showed their scouting skills and won a trophy for “Best in Town” in Dawson City, (Orienteering). Best in town is earned by a team that shows exemplary teamwork and commraderie. Parents be Proud!
On Scout Sunday our scouts stepped up at mass by taking on many important roles of the Mass. Readers, Ushers, presentation of the gifts, and representing our Charter Org., OLV proudly.
During the hike many scouts met the Cooking MB requirement of cooking on a trail during a hike, had fun, and learned that when hiking in the winter to always have some traction cleats with you. But the snow and ice did not stop their fun and hike.
During our Court of Honor we had 10 scouts rank up and a cumulative of 50 Merit Badges earned. Great job Scouts, we are proud of all of you! Keep up the good work!
Thank you to all our hardworking Leaders and Parents who find time to help make this all possible for our Troop.