Last night, we were treated to an informative brief out by Eagle Scout Frank Scott, V. His confidence, energy, and poise radiated throughout the room and he commanded everyone's attention.
Here is his email if anyone would like to speak with him in the future: fsvfilm@gmail.com regarding becoming an Eagle.
Frank provided the best understanding I have heard as to what it takes to be an Eagle Scout, and his demeanor and comportment exuded leadership!
Eagle Service Project
With regard to the Eagle Service Project, Frank's briefing should remind us all that this endeavor is no easy lift. There are a lot of moving parts involving planning, communication, fundraising, and leading volunteers. I am attaching the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook for everyone to review well before you find yourself having to navigate it.
Merit Badge Process
On a related note, I want to remind everyone regarding the process for earning a Merit Badge, in particular prior approval before anyone begins work on a Merit Badge. As the Skipper, I am required to review and sign off on your blue card (physical/digital) prior to anyone working on a merit badge to ensure consistency, leverage opportunities, and best manage our resources. The specifics of the Merit Badge Process has been posted on our website (Rank Up section, https://www.scouting138paramus.com/general-6) for some time, and a communication went out several months ago to again ensure everyone is familiar with this process. Former Scoutmaster Scott Roberts passed this guidance on so it should be no surprise to anyone.
Public Speaking Merit Badge
I received tremendous feedback on last night's group exercise in terms of it being fun but also educational. I am strong believer in a Scout being able to stand in front of a room and speak with confidence and intent. Frank Scott underscored that last night. You could not help but come away thinking that his Troop did a tremendous job of preparing him for his future. That is our Troop's goal as well, and we will prioritize communication opportunities for our scouts to engage in and develop or hone their skills. Last night, many finished the second requirement for the Public Speaking merit badge. I strongly encourage each scout to finish this badge, which requires three more requirements:
Prepare a three- to five-minute talk on a topic of your choice that incorporates body language and visual aids.
Select a topic of interest to your audience. Collect and organize information about this topic and prepare an outline. Write an eight- to 10-minute speech, practice it, then deliver it in the conversational way.
Show you know parliamentary procedure by leading a discussion or meeting according to accepted rules of order; or by answering questions on the rules of order.
There was a passing comment last night that the Public Speaking Merit Badge is not an Eagle required badge as if it is not that important. I want to underscore that public speaking is one of the most important skill sets a scout can develop to advance his/her leadership capabilities.
Reminder for Meeting Conduct
It is important to remind everyone, regardless of your time in the troop:
Arrive on time and participate in the meeting
Wear your uniform with pride
Schedule in advance Scoutmaster conferences and Boards of Review
Mentor junior scouts
Plan, prepare, and advance...rinse and repeat....