Daniel Boone Council will be adding more classes as they become available, please keep checking in to see what is new!
Most Merit Badges are $10 each and will be taught via Zoom meetings with the instructor at the listed time. Thre are a few merit badges that will have a different fee associated with them. These classes are designed and are being hosted for all registered Scouts BSA youth from all councils, across the nation and abroad. No matter which council you are registered, you are invited to join us! All times are listed as Eastern Time. Typically, each class that is M/W or T/Th consists of 2 1-hour sessions, and the F or S classes are one 2-hour session. The Zoom invitiations will be sent out the weekend before the class begins. This will also include the email address of your instructor. There will be some extra homework needed to be done between the courses, and some merit badge may require you to work on projects before or after the class.