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Scouts finishing their fundraising event strong


Why do scouts fundraise? The obvious reason is that Scouts need to raise extra funds for uniforms, camping equipment, and other needs. But more importantly, it is the fundraising for these projects that give scouts a feeling of ownership and offer them the opportunity to embody one of the core principles of the Scout law: thriftiness.

Because Scouts have to work for the privilege of buying new equipment or uniforms they come away with a sense of accomplishment. That is a life lesson worth learning!

As we come to the close of a successful few weeks of fundraising across several projects - merchandise, popcorn, and palms - we could not be happier. We exceeded expectations in terms of what we raised, but just as if not more important we got to watch our boys pull together for a common goal. That was just awesome!

While everyone pitched in to make this a successful endeavor, a special thanks to. Mr. Mosca, Mrs. Guidetti, Mr. Les, and Mr. Lempenau for leading the charge on these events.

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