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Schedule Change to Accommodate a Court of Honor

While this coming Thursday was reserved for a leader's meeting, it is instead our intent to host a Court of Honor. I apologize for the last-minute change to the schedule, but with many of our scout parents having graduation plans next week, this was the only day we could find to host a Court of Honor.

The ceremony will take about one hour to complete and then will be followed by a leader's meeting for those adult leaders and senior scouts who can attend.

All parents are encouraged to attend the Court of Honor to better understand the progress of their scouts and the Troop. Additionally, this will be the last Court of Honor for two of our scouts, Senior Patrol Leader Alex Les and Troop Guide Ryan Lampey.

Please check Scoutbook to ensure that your scout is up to date in terms of his progress. If any changes need to be made, you must let Mrs. Charlene Viger know by no later than this evening at 7 pm.

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