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Rodney Road

As Troop 138 packs up to head North it is clear from this week that Camp Rodney is truly our second home. And this year, we continued to leave our indelible mark on this piece of the Chesapeake.

For years this summer camp has forged our scouts into what they have become. Starting with the Brownsea program and then ending with a collection of merit badges that would make any scout proud.

There are so many people to thank for this awesome week! First are the boys who truly showed incredible partnership and esprit de corp in flying the Troop 138 flag.

Second, were the Scoutmasters and dads that brought so much to the table in so many creative ways, making this week most memorable.

And lastly, all the parents home side that had the confidence in their Scout leaders to entrust their kids leadership development with us. I can assure you they will return home a different boy (young man).

Of course, we would be remiss if we didn't single out Mr. Les. Without his attention to detail and his experience, Rodney doesn't happen. Thank you, big guy!

Until next year, goodbye Camp Rodney. We owe you much. You have given so much to Troop 138 over the years. And in your hundred years you have no doubt left an indelible mark on so many others across the nation. Thank you.

This year we refined our Troop 138 momento to hang on the walls of the main cabin. Thank you, Mr. Dennis for your creativity and passion for this.

As the years pass and more Scouts from the Troop 138 pass through this camp the momento will only grow!

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Charlene Viger
Charlene Viger
Jul 22, 2023

What an awesome week it looked to have been. Thank you all so much for fearlessly leading our Scouts on their adventures and bringing them home safely. I hope everyone has a restful weekend.

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