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Please RSVP for the Scout Sunday Mass at Our Lady of the Visitation Church this coming Sunday.


RSVP here (regrets as well for planning purposes)

All denominations are welcome to come celebrate with us.  When it comes time to receive the Eucharist if not receiving you may remain in your seat or go up to the priest with your hands across your chest for a Blessing only.

We ask that all Scouts please wear their full class "A" Uniforms and arrive by 10:15am.  We will have scouts and leaders assisting with the mass in the following ways.  

Please let me know if you or your Scout are able to attend and volunteer.

  • Ushers - Welcome guests, direct them to open seats.

  • Readers: (must be Confirmed)/(requested a copy to practice from)

  • 1st Reading - Malachi 3:1-4

  • 2nd Reading - Hebrews 2:14-18

  • Prayer of the Faithful

  • Offertory collection - help pass and collect the offertory baskets.

  • Present gifts - walk the gifts from the back of the church to the altar. 

  • All - greet and chat with parishioners as they leave the Church. (will have a small handout to share with anyone interested in joining scouting.)



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