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Memorial Day: Reflections...

As this incredible weekend comes to a close, I thought it best to do my part toward offering some reflection that this day deserves. This past Thursday night, we - Troop 138 - spent the majority of our meeting learning and discussing the importance of Memorial Day.

We watched some moving videos that I will post here for you to rewatch. We also all had the opportunity to share what we would do this Memorial Day to remember the sacrifice of those that gave all so we could enjoy this wonderful holiday that is often accompanied by the beach, the barbecues, and friends and family.

Every year, two former colleagues send me an email that stops me in my tracks and motivates me to reflect on the honor, courage, the commitment, and the sacrifice of those who have fallen and never had the opportunity to join their family members and friends at barbecues, parades, and the other events they - in their service to Country - have made possible. I would like to share it with you here hoping you will have the same reaction: reflection.

Well we are close to ending this glorious weekend, and since each of us pledged that we would make sure we honored the fallen I wanted to remind you to do the same. We joked about checking on one another, but we all recognized that reflection is personal. So please take a moment and honor the memory of our fallen service men and women that have given us so much to be thankful for.

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