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Klondike / Bowling / Summer Camp / Dues / Fundraisers / Court of Honor / Outdoor Events

We had a productive leaders meeting last night and covered several items that need your attention ASAP.

Klondike Derby

We have decided to participate in the Lenape Trails Klondike Derby on Saturday, February 1. We need to get a head count as to who will be attending so we can assemble teams and scheduled the remaining troop meetings and a day next weekend to practice. Please head to the Our Camp section of the website and register for the event. It is $10 per scout to participate and the Troop will be covering lunch. (*If you need the password for the Our Camp section, pleasde reach out. HINT: When was Scouts founded?).

Every scout is strongly encouraged to participate in the Klondike Derby, since the events associated with it are critical in the development of scouts. We are asking for you to RSVP by no later than tomorrow so we can get a headcount.


In light of the Klondike Derby, we have decided to postpone the bowling event tentatively scheduled for next Thursday. We will instead be using the meeting time to practices the skills needed for the derby.

Summer Camp

We are looking for a headcount for who will be attending summer camp at Camp Rodney in Northeast, MD, from July 13 - 19. The Troop needs to begin planning for that event and make a deposit on the members attending. Please head to the Our Camp section of the website and register is you plan to attend (adults and scouts). We are looking for a $50 deposit at this juncture, just who intends to attend. Once you RSVP that you plan on attending we will be requesting the deposit by no later than January 31.


As discussed, Dues this year will be $310 per scout. That amount covers council fees and monies required to run Troop 138. Our fundraising events will provide scouts the opportunity to receive $ back to offset the Dues expense. Mr. Les is in the process of rechartering the troop, so once we hear back from him in the next several days we will be requesting your dues for 2025 either by check or Zelle.


Mrs. Soto is spearheading the Troop. 138 Fundraising events. She is working on 3 core fundraising events to be held in March, July, and November along with our traditional events. You will hear more from her soon on these events that will buttress the Troop's finances and provide opportunities for Scouts to offset the cost of their Dues.

Court of Honor

At next week's Troop meeting, the Senior Patrol Leader will hammer out a date for a Court of Honor.

Outdoor Events

We attempted to plan out the outdoor event calendar that covers from January to June. We have the upcoming Klondike, and Mr. Mosca is in the process of scheduling our first camping trip in either late February or earlier March. That said, at the next Scout meeting we will be requesting Senior scouts to take the lead on organizing outdoor events to fill the 2025 Spring Calendar.

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