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Fundraiser Results

I am excited to report that the recent pop up fundraiser involving the Pampered Chef resulted in approximately $500 to the troop. While we had a limited number of scouts participating, we still grossed over $1600 sales. Shout out to Mr. Mosca and Mrs. Guidetti for spearheading.

We also received a $150 donation from a neighbor of one of our scouts who - once finding out that the our Scout was pursuing Eagle - made the donation. The neighbor's brother and father were heavily involved in Troop 138 in the 1980's.

For our newer Scouts and their parents, it is important to recognize that fundraising efforts are an essential aspect of our troop's operations. Beyond the dues we pay each year, our troop continually needs additional monies to fund many other necessities. Paying for our camp sites, reerving summer camp for next year, additions and repairs to the troop trailer, defraying costs for troop trips, paying for our website, and other equipment needs are just some of the operational needs our troop is required to fund.

Another important aspect of fundraising, is that if scouts pursue the Eagle rank they will often have to rely on fundrasing efforts to fund their projects. It is important that scouts gain the familiarity and experience as they progress through the ranks, so when they are faced with planning their own Eagle project fundraising is not new to them.

At our next leader's meeting we will be discussing future creative fundraising efforts for Troop 138 to pursue. Please feel free to attend and share your ideas.

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