A feeling of pride, fellowship, and common loyalty shared by the members of a particular group.
What a fun meeting last night!
The Viger brothers organized, implemented, and instructed station's to teach the EDGE method. What is the EDGE method you say?
The EDGE method (Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable) specifically designed for Scouts. It’s a technique used to teach new skills within the Scouting community.
• Explain: The instructor explains the skill or task to the learner.
• Demonstrate: The instructor demonstrates how to perform the skill correctly.
• Guide: The learner practices the skill under the guidance of the instructor.
• Enable: The learner is encouraged to perform the skill independently once they’re confident and capable.
The Viger's demonstrated how the EDGE method is an effective way to ensure that Scouts not only understand but also can apply the skills they learn in various activities and challenges.
We were also visited by Mike Worth who provided an exciting overview of some new programs offered at Floodwood. Much to think about for a summer expedition for Troop 138.
Finally, Asher Anglani ranked up to First Class! Congratulations!!! Awesome job!!
Awesome job Asher!!! We're so proud of you!!! 🩷
I will show this to eric.
Eric missed yesterday’s meeting.