Rodney Families,
The $585 early bird price for Rodney 2024 is due by May 1st. After this date the price will increase by $30 per Scout. This is set by Rodney and out of the Troop's control.
Having said that, you are free to use any outstanding fundraising credits that you may have accumulated previously. We can confirm credits with Frank once he gets back.
The math for each Scouts and adults going to Rodney will look like this:
Rodney early bird price $585
Deposit (if paid) -$50
Fundraising credit -$45
Required payment by 5/1 $490
If you are an adult joining us this year:
Rodney Adult Price (no early bird) $210
Deposit (if paid) -$50
Required payment by 5/1 $160
In order to keep transfer costs down, please send payment via Zelle @:
ASM Alex