Troop 138 Paramus
Our Scouts on the move
When a scout sees a battered flag, what do they do?
Camp Rodney 2023!
Pack 245 Blue & Gold Dinner: Volunteers needed to help set up
Updated - Annual Troop Palm Cross Sale - Scouts needed!
Success! Our first Pop-Up fundraiser in the books!
Home stretch!
Troop 138 Sunday fun day!
Ranking up In the Meadowlands!
WoW!!!! The Pop-Up Virtual Fundraiser is a hit!!!!
Why so many emails?????....argh!!!! PLEASE READ
The Story behind the Troop 138 Merch Shop....1 Day left to purchase
Count down...2 days and 17 hours left
This is not your parents' popcorn fundraiser! Yippee
“Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute.”
Troop 138 Needs YOU!!!! YES YOU!!! The "Murch" Store closes in 5 days!
Merit Badge Weekend in April at Camp Lewis
First hike for 2023 by Troop 138
Troop Hike this Sunday
Troop 138 Merch store is open!
Outdoor activities to start again