Troop 138 Paramus
Merit Badge Process
Scouts are to follow the steps below to earn a merit badge.
The only exceptions are for merit badges earned at summer camp, and those offered during Troop meetings.
Sign-up sheets for classes offered during Troop meetings are sufficient notification for Scoutmaster approval. The Advancement Coordinator or Scoutmaster will issue Blue Cards based on these sign- up sheets. Scouts do not need to request a Blue Card for these classes.
All other instances, including Merit Badge Clinics must have prior approval by the Scoutmaster.
The Scout chooses a merit badge he wants to earn.
The Scout requests a Blue Card from the Advancement Coordinator or Scoutmaster.
The Scout then sees the Scoutmaster to meet and sign his Blue Card.
The Scout secures a registered Merit Badge Counselor.
The Scout then begins working on the merit badge.
Once the merit badge requirements are complete, and the Merit Badge Counselor has completed the Blue Card, the Scout presents his Blue Card to the Scoutmaster.
The Scoutmaster signs the completed Blue Card and submits it to the Advancement Coordinator.
The Scout is awarded the merit badge.
It is very important that these steps are followed in order to ensure Scouts are awarded the merit badges they work on.
It is also the sole responsibility of the Scout to keep up with his Blue Card. The merit badge counselor may keep records of his own, but the Blue Card is the responsibility of the Scout.